Advanced Schema Markup

Schema markup is a powerful way to enhance your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines. It helps you provide more information and context about your content, products, services, or business to the users and the search engines.

What is Schema Markup?

Schema markup is code that helps search engines understand the information on your website. It helps you provide more information and context about your content, products, services, and business to the users and the search engines.

Schema markup can also help you display rich results in Google, such as ratings, reviews, prices, local business information, and images. These can make your website stand out from the competition and increase your click-through rate.

schema markup code example
product schema markup example in the search results

Here is an example of product page search results.

Why is Schema Important For SEO?

If you use schema markup wisely, your content will be more noticeable and relevant in search engine results. This increases the chances of getting clicks from potential customers.

For example, if you use schema markup to describe your product, you can show the product name, price, rating, availability, and other details in the search results. This can increase your click-through rate, conversions, and sales.

Similarly, if you use schema markup to describe your local business, you can show your business name, address, phone number, opening hours, and reviews in the search results. This can increase your local visibility, traffic, and reputation.

What Types of Schema Markups Are There?

There are hundreds of types of schema markups that you can use to describe different types of entities and properties on your website. Here are some of the most common and useful schema types that you can use for your website that will show up in Google search results:

  • Organization schema: It’s a way to share your organization’s specifics like its name, logo, and how to contact it. This can make your organization appear in knowledge panels, bringing more people to your website.
  • Local Business schema: This is a method to share your local business’s specifics like its location, contact number, when it’s open, and customer feedback. This can make your business appear in local search results and maps, bringing more customers to your physical store.
  • Product schema: This is a strategy to share your product’s specifics like what it’s called, how much it costs, its rating, if it’s available, what it looks like, and its description. This can make your product appear in product search results and shopping ads, boosting your sales.
  • Review schema: This is a way to share the reviews of your article like who wrote them, when they were written, and their rating. This can make your article’s reviews appear in review snippets, increasing your article’s credibility and reliability.

Our Advanced Schema Markup Service

If you want to use schema markup to boost your local business SEO, you can use our advanced schema markup service. We will create a relevant and effective schema markup for your website based on your niche, location, and goals, and then insert it into your homepage.

You will get a schema markup that includes additional content such as relevant keywords and entities extracted from the Wikipedia pages.

					<script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
      "@type": "LocalBusiness",
      "name": "Your Business Name",
      "description": "Brief description of your business",
      "address": {
        "@type": "PostalAddress",
        "streetAddress": "123 Main St",
        "addressLocality": "Cityville",
        "addressRegion": "State",
        "postalCode": "12345",
        "addressCountry": "US"
      "telephone": "123-456-7890",
      "openingHours": "Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00",
      "url": "",
      "sameAs": [

Here’s a basic example of what the code can look like.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your Website?

To add schema markup to your website in manual process:

  1. Copy and paste the schema markup code into your website’s HTML code. You can place the schema markup code anywhere on your web page, but we recommend placing it in the <head> section or near the content it describes.
  2. Save and publish your web page with the schema markup code.

How to Check Your Schema Markup?

To check your schema markup, you can use these tools:

  • Schema Markup Validator: This tool helps you validate and test your schema markup code for errors and compatibility. You can enter your website URL or your schema markup code and it will show you if your schema markup is valid and how it will appear on Google search results.
  • Rich Results Test: This tool helps you test your schema markup code for rich results. It is another tool by Google that shows you if your web page is eligible for rich results and how they will look on Google search results.
    You can enter your website URL or your schema markup code and it will show you the preview and the status of your rich results.

Pricing & Packages

Google Maps Ranking features:

Boost your visibility in search results with our advanced schema.



We provides a specialized solution called Advanced Schema markup service, which involves implementing structured data using schema markup on web pages.

This advanced approach helps search engines, especially Google, better understand and interpret the content on the page.

Implementing Advanced Schema Markup offers several advantages for your website. It provides clearer information to search engines, enhancing the visibility and appearance of your site in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This can lead to higher click-through rates, increased organic traffic, improved user experience, and potentially better rankings.

We offers comprehensive services related to Advanced Schema Markup. This includes identifying relevant keywords and Google search entities from Wikipedia that are relevant to your web page’s content.

We will then integrate this information into your webpage’s schema markup code accurately representing the context and structure of your content.

Integrating keywords and Google search entities into the schema markup code plays an important role in helping Google understand the purpose and relevance of your web page.

By adding these elements, you provide additional context for search engines when they index or display information from your website in SERPs.

Absolutely! Our company values collaboration with our clients throughout the process. You have complete control over selecting which keywords or Google search entities should be considered when implementing advanced schema markup on your webpage.

No! On the contrary, integrating advanced schema markdown onto your webpage is likely to enhance your existing SEO efforts.

The use of schema markup provides clearer data to search engines, which can have a positive impact on your organic rankings and overall visibility in SERPs.

The timeframe for implementing Advanced Schema Markup varies depending on the complexity of your webpage’s structure and amount of content.

We will closely collaborate with you to determine a suitable timeline based on your specific requirements.

We offer continuous support for our clients even after implementing advanced schema markup.

We understand that websites evolve over time, so we are here to assist you with any future updates or modifications needed to maintain optimal performance.

To begin, simply order our service, fill out the form on the thank you page, and our customer support team will reach you.  If you need a custom solution you may contact our customer support team directly.

We will be delighted to discuss your needs and provide personalized assistance in improving your web page’s visibility through advanced schema markup implementation.